
viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

nanzen-ji (南禅寺)

El dia 29, mientras esperabamos las 15 h para hacer el check in en el ryokan Yachiyo, fuimos a visitar el templo de Nanzen-ji, un complejo de templos y jardines a unos 300 metros del Ryokan, bajo un sol de justicia

Nanzen-ji no esta considerado uno de los 5 grandes templos zen de Kyoto, aunque su belleza y extensión lo hacen sumamente interesante. El complejo lo inició el emperador Kameyana en 1291.

Como era fiesta nacional en Japón, pudimos ver muchas personas vestidas con traje tradicional, especialmente mujeres con Kimono

Nanzen-ji (南禅寺), or Zuiryusan Nanzen-ji, formerly Zenrin-ji (禅林寺), is a Zen Buddisht temple in Kyoto. Emperor Kameyana established it in 1291 on the site of his previous detached palace. It is also the headquarters of the Nanzen-ji branch of Rinzai Zen.

Nanzen-ji was founded in the middle Heian Period. Nanzen-ji is not itself considered one of the "five great Zen temples of Kyoto"; however, it does play an important role in the "Five Mountain System" which was modified from Chinese roots. After the completion of Shokoku-ji by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu in 1386, a new ranking system was created with Nanzen-ji at the top and in a class of its own. Nanzen-ji had the title of "First Temple of The Land" and played a supervising role.